Milan, the heart of European fashion, is a very metropolitan city. It is a lot like many other large European cities, but has some unique qualities. I was fortunate enough to visit on Easter, when it seems the normal rules were suspended. In the heart of the city all of the churches and cafes were open, although none of the museums were. In the less central areas, only the small restaurants and bars remained open. Most of the people, it seemed, were spending the day at home, as all of the shopping, and Milan has a lot of shopping, was closed for the day. The most popular tourist destinations in Milan were centered around the Duoma, a large gothic cathedral where regular services are held. There are also public parks, many museums and theaters, as well as generally interesting buildings, packed with Europe’s finest designer boutiques. I rather liked Milan, but I would like to see it at its best, when everything is open and alive, rather than on a very rainy Easter Sunday, when every dog big and small wears its own raincoat.