Thursday, December 10, 2009

Los Barrios de Sevilla

Seville is divided into several different neighborhoods, each with a different history and character. I stayed in the central Barrio de Santa Cruz, where the Catedral and Alcázar are located. It was probably my favorite, but also the easiest to get lost in, as the streets are very narrow and labyrinthine. I also explored many of the other barrios, each of which is unique and interesting.

Barrio de Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz is also home to Casa de Pilatos, the home of the Marquis de Tarifa.

Very narrow streets, this is my Pensión.

Barrio de La Macarena

Monolitos Romanos

Muros-City Walls


Barrio del Porvenir

Jardines de Maria Luísa

Museo Arqueológico

Plaza de España

Barrio de Arena

Torre de Oro

Río Guadalquivir

Barrio de Triana

A working-class neighborhood across the river from central Seville, and the home of many of the sailors who sailed with Columbus, as well as the home of Seville's Artists and Students.